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Rose Bowers


Rose founded Bowers Insurance Services Agency, Inc. more than 25 years ago with a focus on serving the needs of common interest communities in Central Ohio.  She obtained a B.A. from Otterbein University and holds the insurance industry's Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation.  Prior to founding the agency, Rose served as Property Facultative Reinsurance Underwriter for General Reinsurance. A founding member of the Central Ohio Community Associations Institute (CAI), she served as the chapter's first president.  Rose has been a guest speaker on common interest community association insurance for the Columbus Bar Association's Real Estate Division, CAI chapter and has served on several CAI trade show and golf outing committees. She and her husband Doug reside in Buckeye Lake, where they enjoy gardening together.   

Our agency strongly believes that a well-designed insurance program is critical to the overall financial health and success of a community association. The insurance markets that our agency has partnered with help associations achieve their financial goals by containing costs while protecting the community and its members.